Effects of snoring on health
A decent night’s rest is vital for keeping up with wellbeing and energy levels during the day. But snoring is a common problem that makes it hard to sleep and can hurt your overall health.
Causes of Snoring
When there is a blockage in the passage of air through the respiratory tract, snoring occurs. This is frequently brought about by muscle unwinding during profound rest, making the tongue fall back and produce the vibration known as wheezing.
Expert Insights on Snoring
Health experts have long been looking for ways to reduce snoring. Recent developments and expert advice suggest that the solution may be simpler than previously thought.
Practical Tips From Sleep Experts
Role of compression stockings
Sleep expert Marter Seeley highlights a 2015 study from the University of Toronto that suggests wearing compression stockings can help reduce snoring. These socks, which are stiffer and longer than normal socks, help with blood circulation and prevent fluid accumulation that can lead to snoring.
Sleeping Habits and Pillow Choices
Sally also recommends sleeping on your side and using hypoallergenic pillows. These pillows minimize exposure to allergens, which can trigger snoring.
A simple nose workout
A 30-second nasal exercise before bed may also help reduce snoring. This includes moving the tongue in different directions while keeping the mouth closed, which can improve airflow and reduce snoring.